We've had lots and lots of visitors while we've lived in BC. Multitudes, really.
Every time someone leaves, I am reminded by how much you discover about people when you spend lots of time together in close quarters. Let's face it. I'm sure our guests would say the same thing about me. Most of you haven't seen me wandering around the house in my PJ's and bedhead, but nearly all who have stayed here have. As I get older, I have less and less time and concern for appearances. Future guests to 4816 Georgia beware.
Last week we were hosts again. This time, it was Mike's sister Corina and her partner Jay who came to stay. We all adore Corina. I remember when I began to date Mike and was overwhelmed by the incredibly sweet and soft disposition his sister had. All these years later, she's still got it. She's just really easy to love.
Now Jay, on the other hand, I can't say we adored. I mean adore is a pretty strong word. We all liked Jay. He's always been funny and quirky and really artistic. We just hadn't spent enough time with him to move him up to the "adore" level on the scale.
Until now.
Can I tell you a few things about Jay?
This is a grown man who spent hours playing games with my girls. He didn't flinch when 6 year old Sasha schooled him in Crokinole. In fact, he just came back for more. "Don't Make me Laugh Junior"? The game that Mike and I will think of any excuse in the book NOT to play with our girls was cracked open happily and played with flair and energy. Now that's love.
Jay is a full-sized grown man who willingly scooted to the very back seat in our van while it was in motion, to switch seats with Hannah so that the ensuing mayhem in the back quarters would stop. He was jammed between a 6 year old girl and her 8 year old sister in a traffic jam over the Lion's Gate Bridge and not only lived to tell the tale, but actually entertained them with his antics.
Jay doesn't complain or roll his eyes.
He talks to the girls, makes them laugh and laughs with them. He and Corina take the time to get to know their nieces... who they are and what they love.
He picked people up, held little girl's hands, and even endured pre-pubescent female drama with ease.
Corina's pretty special. We've always known that.
But now we know that Jay is too. We might even adore him (just a little).